FOR  GREAT  GOVERNMENT    FGG                          No Extremism... Yes Progress           

Make justice fair and colorblind, but intelligently balance unbiased policing with public safety. Bail reform and defunding led to more homelessness and rising crime. It’s time for a better plan than arbitrarily cutting $1 billion from the police department, as done by city hall. Here are proposals. 

Defunding. Restore the highly effective Homeless Outreach Program and Anti Crime Unit, which addressed homelessness and gun trafficking. Defunding police poorly served the goal of safe communities. Crime in NYC soared since city hall cut $1 billion from the NYPD. Even car theft shot up. Defunding harmed police morale. It is reported that many officers have quit. We need better solutions. The cause of racial justice must not interfere with the need for safe streets and subways.

Police Training & Reforms.  Teach non-violence approaches. Increase use of tasers to avoid deaths. Work with police unions for a path to dismiss officers acting inappropriately. Promote police communication and interaction with communities. Demonizing police harms police willingness to do their job. Don't blame all 36,000 NYPD personnel for the sick acts of a few bad apples (let alone in other states). We need to rid police of racists, but let’s not blow this out of proportion, for 57 percent of the NYPD are Hispanic, African American and Asian American. Police run into gunfire to protect us, daily encountering dangerous people with guns. Encourage respect.

Bail Reform. Bail reforms, enacted with good intentions, led to bad results. We should not keep defendants in jail for months awaiting trial, but we don't want hardened criminals set free either. Only low-level crimes should be exempt from bail. Lax bail standards allows dangerous and mentally ill defendants to return to the streets, soon to commit more violent crimes. Propensity for violence must be carefully scrutinized. Judges must not release people who are an imminent threat to others.

Motorcycle Terrorism:  Motorcyclists speeding through red lights, threatening to hit people crossing the street… This is terrorism. We need citywide action to stop the motorcycles - some even on sidewalks: 1) $10,000 fine/incident to gas stations selling gas to them, 2) impound illegal vehicles, 3) arrest violators without licenses or legal vehicles, 4) road blocks, 5) speed bumps on major avenues.  Let there be no more senseless deaths & fear. 

Non-Volent Approaches. Encourage non-violent responses like mental health programs. Increase use of tasers to avoid deaths. Police should not look like soldiers in a war zone. There is little benefit to military-like appearance. Ban brutal military tactics.

Speedy Trial & Funding Courts. Increase courts/DA funding so that suspects don’t wait months for trial. Ensure trials commence within one month of arrest. 

First-time Nonviolent Offenders. Instead of  jail time, sentence mandatory community service like serving food at homeless shelters or cleaning subway stations and NYCHA housing.

Cyber Crime. Identity theft and scams bring misery. Increase enforcement for such crimes.

Prison Schools. Nearly $168,000 is spent annually per inmate. That would pay for a lot of education, job training and mental health counseling.  Inmates face rape, knifings and violence, then once released we expect them to get a nice 9 to 5 job? Use resources better. Turn prisons into vocational schools. Release inmates early if they complete a four-year college degree (excepting violent felons). Staff prisons with teachers and mental health specialists to help inmates recover. Release them with a profession so they don't revert to crime. Make prisons constructive.