FOR GREAT GOVERNMENT • FGG No Extremism... Yes Progress
This is not a time to be passive when disgusting ideas are spoken. Our clergyman, politicians and academics need to go to news service, social media, high schools, and college campuses to counter loud mouths promoting sick ideas because they are emotionally unstable or wildly ignorant of political realities. If politicians don’t have the courage to speak up each time a troubling protest breaks out, we face a bleak future.
Confront cowardly politicians afraid to offend anyone, cynically fearing losing donations or harming reelection prospects. We need leaders with backbone and ethical fortitude.
Further, academics must do better. School principles and college leaders must reprimand teachers for spreading false or obnoxious ideas. We pay you to teach math or science, not shoot your mouth. Loose cannons need to be told to shut up or be fired. And get union help. Voice opinions on your own time. Not in classrooms.
Each time reckless school protests break out, the very next day politicians and people of influence need to speak to a general school assembly - all hands on deck - to offer students guidance: do not naively support terrorist organizations with horrible goals. Immediately speak up to ensure ignorant loud mouths are muted.
Put out a fire out before it grows into something more dangerous… a country of reckless ignoramuses naively supporting terrible causes.